I went to Barne's and Noble and found this cool book,
Body in Question. It's a book on forensics. I walked around with it, and then put it back when I left, but now after I think about it, I may go back and buy it.
The rest of the day at work was pretty uneventful, as life at Brookfield Square will be. On my way out, I stopped at Game Stop and saw they had the Indiana Jones trilogy for only $39.99, so I snagged it along with Superman II. The first Superman is good, but I really liked the second one with General Zod, Nod, and Ursa. Lets see if I like it years later.
When I got home, Dani and the kids hadn't gotten back from my Mom's yet. So I ran over to Video Pix and rented
Stealth. On my way home from the video store I saw Chief Rutkowski on his way to a village board meeting. I didn't think we had one tonight, after having a special one on Wednesday. The only really interesting thing discussed at the meeting was the additional antenna that Verizon Wireless is proposing to put on the water tower. I asked for clarification about the nature of revenue from the Verizon proposal, and President Johnson says that all revenue generated from the project has to go to the water dept. After the meeting I mentioned to him that they should have also negotiated free phone service for DPW, Police, and the Fire Dept. I also mentioned the possibility of having a company like Verizon sponsor a tanker for the Fire Dept.
Went home and watched Stealth, talked to
Donna for awhile in Yahoo! Messenger and then had to do my homework for