Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wisconsin Farm Technology Days - 2009

On Tuesday, Assistant Chief Richard Engelhart(pictured left) called me and asked if I would fill a slot vacated by Kurt Walther by providing fire service to the Wisconsin Farm Technology Days in Waterloo. Our dept was only needed on Thursday, and I really didn't know what to expect!

Now, I must say I'm really glad I went. I regret that I didn't get my family up here to see this. It was a lot of fun and educational too.

There was a lot of heavy farm machinery there performing demonstrations, and we were there in case one of these machines, or anything else, caused a fire. EMT's were also there from other departments to care for injuries. Fortunately for all that attended, there weren't any major accidents, at least not today!

Next year the event will be in Pierce County. I hope I can get the time and money to go again, this time with the Bear, he would love this!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Transferred a Pale Ale and Brewed a Specialty Beer

Worked today at the Fun Hunters Brewery where I transferred a Pale Ale from the fermentation tank to the serving tank. It's on tap and ready to drink!

I also brewed a specialty brew and visited with some great people. For more information visit The Thirsty Brewmaster.